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Dr. Bender and a patient share the incredible results achieved through treatment with our Viprox Therapy.

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Charley (Rich) Murray Shares his Powerful Story about how Viprox Saved his Life

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Billie Brown

Believe it is ViProx that has given me a wonderful surprise!

“I grew up in lots of sunshine in the southern tip of Florida. (south of Miami)A teenager in the 1940’s!Trying for a tan, we used baby oil with a few drops of iodine in it. My skin is very fair and many blisters resulted – usually weekly! About 40 years later the skin damage surfaced. Had many treatments for various skin cancers. In the past 10 years have ‘visited’ the dermatologist frequently. There’s been biopsys, surgerys, and usually at least 10 ‘shots’ of liquid nitrogen each time.

After being on ViProx for about 6 months, this past doctor ‘visit’ brought great news.

No biopsys;No scheduled surgery; and No liquid nitrogen!

I’m a very happy ‘girl’ and credit ViProx with this amazing result!”

Dyan — please thank Robert — and let him know I’m ‘aging gracefully’ — smile!

Simone Turner: Viprox and Migraines Testimonial

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Dr. Burress


Hello my name is Dr. Burress, I would like to say I have been on the product for 15 years now. I never get colds or the flu.

I had an Upper G.I. Bleed with a 4 unit blood transfusiongoing on and my body healed it right up as the all the Dr.’s test have come back up with flying colors. The Dr.’s couldn’t believe I healed so well.The product sure did the trick as I say it is an unbelievable product to have in your hands. It has let my dear friend heal herself right up with her Fibromyalgia and she has a ton more energy.

I also recommend this product to my eye patients. This product lowers the pressure in the eyes better than any med pills can do for Glaucoma patients. It is the best regimen to use for my glaucoma patients.I believe this will prevent cataracts as well.

In the last 14 years of me recommendingthis to my patients I have saved over 450 sets of eyes withthe patients using their own body’sto heal themselves .

Thank you for this unbelievable product for me and my patients!

Jean Paskey: Racing Heart, T.I.A. Strokes, Heart Condition, Mood, Sleep

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Patricia Narveson


My name is Patricia and back in 2005 the Dr. told me I had a tumor on my breast.

This is when GSH Complex 1st came out in my area and I immediately got on it.

And after 2 months when I went back for a pre-op visitthe surgeon said, “I am not going back in there because there is no more tumor”.

Oh the words I wanted to hear. This product is the world’s best kept secret on health today.

This product is a Godsend and I am so glad I know that this product is out there to let us defeat disease!

Patty VIPROX Testimonial

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Dorothy Edwards


I’ve been a health, fitness fanatic most of my adult life, lifted weights 3 days, cardio 6, hiking 8-16 miles, bicycling, learned to ski in 50s, skydiving & zip lining in my 60s.

Got out of my routine for a couple of years then as I was getting back into it, I had an accident that involved a concussion

Oh, I’d had a clean Thorough checkup 10 months prior, no issues, no meds!

After the accident:

  • My BP kept spiking
  • Immune system was dangerously compromised
  • saw 6 Specialist to rule out this and that
  • Multiple MRIs, CT-scans with & without contrast
  • ended up with Pneumonia
  • Had to take it super easy 8-9 months
  • Told to avoid crowds

A year plus later:

  • I’m taking multiple BP meds
  • flu and pneumonia shots recommended, I passed on both
  • Drs Said I should be able to get back to my normal activity level but I have Zero energy,
  • Not sleeping well & not getting enough sleep
  • Difficultly focusing
  • Gained weight
  • Eating constantly but not feeling satiated or getting any energy from it

***For me, living like I am now is torture!

A sedentary life isn’t living at all????***

I’ve been researching alternatives but nothing worked as promised until one day I listened to a replay of a Wednesday health call. I was so intrigued that I searched through my emails to listen to any other replays I could find. I was missing a couple so I asked Dyan to forward those if she had them, I read everything on the website, then ordered the product.

5 months in the therapy:

  1. More alert and able to focused
  2. BP the lowest it’s been since the accident even with medications
  3. Lost 15 lbs
  4. Sleeping better and longer
  5. No more cramps in my lower leg during the night
  6. Circulation to extremities is improved
  7. Recently I’d been breaking out in chin area. It’s completely cleared up and I haven’t even used the product topically
  8. Exercising everyday now, started slow. Before I had zero energy to do that before starting Viprox
  9. Able to adjust BP meds couple was ago
  10. Digestion tract now in balance. I kept forgetting about this improvement.

Now I’m hopeful that I will get back to my normal life & activity level!

Dr. Carole Reuter

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